Familiar with Speed Dating? Now, apply that to the business world!! I opted to participate in the Chamber of Commerce's Cocktails & Conversation event geared to bringing area business people together to create contacts for needs you didn't know you had! What an exciting time it was to meet with everyone and chat! There's no stuck-on-the-wall-waiting-to-mingle kind of thing like at TV Prom. I met very interesting people doing everything from photography, to hospitality, to insurance, to public service/politics, staffing providers, IT people, and more! I recommend you check out the next one.
I think a few were intrigued by my appearance to the event - representative for a musical group attending a business meet and greet function?? Well, I think it paid off, and appreciatively for everyone! I think we may get a call when these folks put on events of their own for some good wholesome enterainment! And, I'm keeping in mind those I met for the chorus' future needs!
Now, here's to seeing the few again in near future rehearals!! Ariana